Why a Head Spa is What You Need to Bring Your Hair to Full Beauty and Health This Summer

head spa

Summer is the season of relaxing by the pool, soaking up the sun, and spending more time than ever with your favorite people. And odds are, you want to look great doing all of that. But if your hair is looking dry, fried, and less than fabulous, it can weigh you down all summer long.

Have you ever wondered: what does hot weather do to your hair? Unfortunately, the same warm weather and bright sunshine that gives you that beachy glow can wreak havoc on your hair. The rays of the sun will fade your color, deplete valuable moisture, and cause frustrating frizz. Time spent in the pool can tint your hair a ghoulish green, and the chemicals can cause lasting damage. Before you’ve even had a chance to enjoy summer, you’ll be battling split ends, frizz, dull color, and a long list of other hair woes.

Luckily, you don’t have to sacrifice soft, flowing, healthy hair during the summer months. Just because the sun is blazing and the temperature is rising, that doesn’t mean that you have to settle for sad, lifeless locks. Instead, all you need are a few summer hair tips and tricks up your sleeve, and you’ll have shiny, silky-soft strands that are ready for all the summertime selfies you want.

At Focal Point Salon & Spa, we’re all about serving up summer hair #goals – and we do it all in the middle of the Arizona desert, no less. So, if anybody knows about keeping your hair in great shape during the summer heat, it’s absolutely us. Here’s everything you need to know about how to keep your hair gorgeously healthy this summer.

How a Scottsdale Head Spa Service is Bringing New Life to Hair

Maybe you’ve never heard of a “head spa” – if not, we can’t say we’re surprised. After all, the Focal Point Salon & Spa is the very first head spa Scottsdale has ever had. We’ve created an innovative concept that tackles your hair health at the most important point: right at the root.

We take hair health to a new level of precision by analyzing it microscopically, allowing our experts to pinpoint exactly what’s keeping you from your dream hair. Once the hair evaluation is complete, it’s time to get to work. With a tailored series of hair treatments, specialized hair repair products, scalp massage, and other methods, we’ll kick your scalp health into high gear.

Once your scalp is healed and healthy, it can serve as the perfect foundation for the best hair of your life. You’ll notice a boost in healthy hair growth, less hair shedding, and a scalp that’s no longer too dry or too oily.

How can I protect my hair from sun heat?

During your session at our head spa, we’ll recommend an organic hair mask to support hair and scalp health. As a result, your hair will be healthier, stronger, and better prepared to stand up to the sun. There are also other specialized treatments that will turn back the clock on sun damage and allow your hair to be replenished, restored, and ready for the hottest time of year.

The Importance of Scalp Treatments to Keep Your Hair Vibrant During the Summer

You might think that stunning summer hair depends solely on the products you put on the strands themselves – but actually, it starts with the scalp. Even if you’re happy with your hair, a regularly-scheduled scalp treatment is a maintenance must.

The Focal Point approach to scalp treatments will assess any existing damage, then stop it in its tracks. Plus, your stylist will be happy to recommend an ongoing scalp treatment plan to keep your hair looking its absolute best.

Noticing Thinning Hair Over the Summer?

Does it seem like your hair has started thinning out just in time for summer? It could be a heat-related issue, or maybe you’ve just now noticed a visible change. Whatever the case, Focal Point is a trusted provider of hair regeneration treatments in Phoenix, restoring our guests’ healthy hair and confidence with proven, effective methods.

Receding hairlines, thinning strands, and bald spots be gone! We’ll tackle your biggest hair loss concerns with a caring and compassionate approach, tapping into our expertise to deliver the results you want. Visit our salon now, and by the time summer is in full swing, you’ll have a hair regeneration plan that you feel great about.

Don’t Skip a Trim & Split End Treatments

One of the most common causes of straggly summer hair is split ends. Thankfully, fixing split ends can be quick and simple – all it takes is a trim! The Focal Point stylists can maintain your length as much as possible while trimming off any unhealthy hair, so you can say goodbye to split ends and flyaway frizz. If you aren’t ready for a trim just yet, our signature split end treatment can repair your hair without any need for scissors.

Of course, you might just come into our Phoenix hair salon planning for a trim, and walk out with a brand-new color and style that makes a serious statement!

Best Summer Heat Hair Tips from Focal Point Salon

Here are some of the most common questions we get from guests who want spectacular summer hair – and our unbeatable tips for making the most of the season.

How can I protect my hair during the summer?

The sun and heat of summer will quickly damage your hair unless you take protective measures. Make professional products a part of your summer hair regimen (including an excellent conditioner), and don’t be afraid to rock a cute hat or headscarf as a stylish accessory. Not only can the right accessory be a trendsetting move, but it will also guard your hair against the sun.

How do you take care of your hair in hot weather?

First, make sure that you have a well-rounded hair care plan that features plenty of top-tier products – cheap products rarely work as well. Try to cut down on heat styling as much as possible, and up the ante with hair oils, moisturizing masks, and professional treatments as often as needed. Finally, stay hydrated! Drinking plenty of water isn’t just good for your body, it’s great for your hair.

Should you wash your hair more in the summer?

Over-washing your hair can strip it of vital oils, leaving it drier and duller than ever. Stick with a sulfate-free shampoo all year round, and minimize washing as much as possible – even during summer. Consider using a dry shampoo to extend the time between washes, and try new updo styles to disguise second-day hair.

Keep Your Hair Healthy Throughout the Arizona Summer at Focal Point Salon & Spa

No matter what season it is, your hair deserves the care and expertise that only a true professional can offer. Focal Point Salon & Spa is a top-rated Valley salon with an incredible team of talented stylists, ready to guide you through the process of achieving the best hair of your lifetime.

Schedule your first visit to our hair salon in Phoenix and make this summer one that goes down in great hair history!

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